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  • Writer's pictureTrustVector Team

Karen Jones joins TrustVector as Trustworthy AI Adoption Leader

We're excited to officially welcome Karen Jones to TrustVector!

Award for most promising risk management service company in 2023 awarded to TrustVector
Karen Jones joins TrustVector as Trustworthy AI Adoption Leader

With over 22 years of experience in strategy consulting, complex technical solution implementations, project management, and change management; a proven track record of building and motivating high performing teams; and global experience across several industries including telecommunications, hospitality, manufacturing, utilities, consumer products, and life sciences, Karen is a critical asset to our clients who are grappling with complexities of AI solutions and their trustworthiness.

We're honored to have Karen on our team, and are excited for the opportunity to bring Karen's expertise to our clients and partners who share our mission of advancing trust between humans and machines.

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